Monday, March 19, 2012

"Nokia s40 users" change your operator logo to any picture

Hi friends, by these simple steps you can change your phones operator logo.
 Just follow these steps..
 First take any logo( small pic) and name it like
 "logo.oplc" or any other name with".oplc" extension.
"Remember that rename it with "blue ftp" or "file explorer" and remove its extension (.jpg or .png)
 Place this logo in memory card's root directory[e:/].
Then open music player and go to Music Menu > Options > Downloads > Go To Address.
 Clear the "rtsp://" and type this "file:///e:/logo.oplc" ,
and press Ok.
 Now you will see a message saying "operator logo received. save ?" Save it
and you will see the logo as a operator logo on the screen.