Friday, January 27, 2012

Forget Black and use Color Text in FacebookChat in your pc

Today I am going to post a Facebook chat trick for you. When you type any text in Facebook chat box it will display in black color, but if you want then you can write them in color format.                          [[107015582669715]] = A [[116067591741123]] = B [[115602405121532]] = C [[112542438763744]] = D [[115430438474268]] = E [[109225112442557]] = F [[111532845537326]] = G [[111356865552629]] = H [[109294689102123]] = I [[126362660720793]] = J[[116651741681944]] = K [[115807951764667]] = L [[106596672714242]] = M [[108634132504932]] = N [[116564658357124]] = O [[111669128857397]] = P [[107061805996548]] = Q [[106699962703083]] = R [[115927268419031]] = S [[112669162092780]] = T [[108983579135532]] = U [[107023745999320]] = V [[106678406038354]] = W[[116740548336581]] = X [[112416755444217]] = Y [[165724910215]] = Z Use the above codes in the chat box and see the magic of color. If you want to write a word, then keep a space in every code and write them sequentially.

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